Friday, December 11, 2015


As we know, gender plays an essential role in life, both here on earth, before in the premortal existence, and in the life to come. In order to be happy we need to be able to know who we are and what our genders tell about us. Elder Scott speaks of a dream he had where he was in a strange environment looking for his wife. Everyone he asked and everywhere he turned everyone said that she isn’t the same and he didn’t know her anymore. This really disturbed him. He was also told that there was no Richard Scott and soon, there would be no memories for him. Then the thought came to him that he his relationship was eternal and enduring. He realized that he was surrounded by evil people. They were trying to manipulate them and he was conscious to that. The more he was there, the harder it was to stay in reality. When he awoken, he realized that it was only because of his faith in Christ and the church that he was saved and was alright when he was in the dream. We need to have faith to be happy.


As women we have a moral force. Maybe not at work places, but morally, we need to be strong. We have an obligation to instill certain qualities in the children of today. These qualities can include faith, courage, empathy, refinement in culture and relationships, virtue, and more. Our moral force is felt the most strongly in the home. A father and a mother need to work in harmony to teach, nurture, and provide for their family. One thing a mother can do that no one else can, is to teach her sons how to respect a woman and womanhood. For daughters, they can learn to have their own virtue and stand up for what they think is right. There is nothing more comforting than a mothers love for her child.

Last fall, I was dealing with a great bit of depression. I could hardly get out of bed, I never got my homework done, and I didn’t eat much. Every day, I got a call from my mother, she told me she loved me and she was proud of me for doing what I could. She knew I was failing some classes, she knew I slept most of the day, or watched movies, but yet, she still loved me so much. She even went so far as to text many of my siblings to call me and see what they could do to help. Without her, I don’t know where I would be today. Her love for me, even though I didn’t do much all semester, was astonishing. Mothers and Women are an essential part of God’s plan for us. Without them, let’s be honest, we would all be screwed.


Men… Let’s talk about men for just a minute. We all know men drive us nuts, but they also play a vital role in God’s plan. First and foremost, they are the only ones who are able to hold the priesthood. And without the priesthood, we would have no life-saving ordinances. Without these ordinances we won’t be together as a family forever, our sins wouldn’t be washed away, and so many more things. Another thing that men get to do is provide for their family. Men get to work and go to work and get money so that their family can have food and a place to live. They also get to teach the family all about the Gospel and how it applies to their lives.

My father is the greatest example of all of these things for me. My dad has taken on another part time job just so he can provide for my brothers and sisters and I. He is at work from 6 in the morning, where he attends institute as the faculty member, till around 6 or 6:30 at night when he gets home from his full time job. After that, he gets to attend bishopric meetings all night, he goes on visits, and helps with the bishop interviews. Then he will come home and call me, and talk for a couple hours. It is so nice to know that my dad is so dedicated to what he has been taught, My grandfathers are both the exact same way, which is perfect because it shows me that if my husband is anything like him, our boys will be well mannered.

Our genders are a huge deal in what is going on in this life, the premortal life, and the life to come. I know that this is true, I have seen it in my own life and in the life of my siblings, my parents, cousins, and even the people around me. I just love that as males and females, we have a difference to make. It isn’t weird and we don’t get a choice, we are what we are. And we have a purpose so we need to remember what that purpose is. 

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